Benjamin A. Elman Benjamin A. Elman May 15, 2024

Benjamin A. Elman

  • Visiting Professor, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong (Oct – Nov 2016)
  • Gordon Wu ’58 Professor of Chinese Studies, Emeritus. Senior Scholar; Professor of East Asian Studies and History, Princeton University

Benjamin A. Elman


Professor Elman is Professor of East Asian Studies and History with his primary department in East Asian Studies. His teaching and research fields include: 1) Chinese intellectual and cultural history, 1000 – 1900; 2) history of science in China, 1600 – 1930; 3) history of education in late imperial China; 4) Sino-Japanese cultural history, 1600 – 1850. During his visit at the Institute, Professor Elman taught a course on “Classicism, Commerce & Society in Late Imperial China, 1400 – 1900” for postgraduate students. He also delivered a talk on “Sinophiles and Sinophobes: Medical Debates and Medical Philology in Tokugawa Japan”.