Chun Fung Tong Tong Chun Fung October 11, 2024

Chun Fung Tong 唐俊峰

  • PhD, Heidelberg University
  • Assistant Professor
  • Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences
  • School of Chinese, Faculty of Arts
  • The University of Hong Kong


I studied history at the Chinese University of Hong Kong for my BA and MPhil degrees and received a PhD in Sinology from Heidelberg University, where I served as a postdoc before joining the School of Chinese in 2024. My research primarily focuses on social, political and institutional history in early China, early Chinese historiography, as well as writing—especially manuscript—culture in premodern China; works on these subjects appear in journals such as T’oung PaoAsia Major, and Asiatische Studien – Études Asiatiques.

My recent works include two books. The first one is the monograph, State Power and Governance in Early Imperial China: The Collapse of the Qin Empire, 221–207 BCE (SUNY, 2024), which revisits the governance, state power, and collapse of China’s Qin Empire by using newly unearthed administrative and legal manuscripts, thereby unveiling the social configurations during the imperial Qin period. The second book is an open-access volume titled Keeping Record: The Materiality of Rulership and Administration in Early China and Medieval Europe (De Gruyter, 2024) that I co-edited with European medievalists. In it we advocate a “material approach” to examine the interplay between non-textual material attributes (e.g., writing substrates, supports, dimension, layout) of administrative documents and the political authority of early Chinese and medieval European rulers.

Selected Publications


Selected journal articles

  • “The Reformation of Social Order in the Qin Empire.” Asia Major 3d ser. Vol. 36.1 (2023): 95–136.

  • “Qindai ‘zhifa’ zhongyang erqianshi guan fanchen xingzhi shenlun” 秦代「執法」中央二千石官泛稱性質申論 (On the Qin “Law Enforcer” as a Generic Term for the 2000- bushel Officials in the Central Government). Jianbo yanjiu (2021 Qiudong juan) 簡帛研究(2021 秋冬卷): 67–83. (CSSCI)

  • “The Construction of Territories in the Qin Empire.” T’oung Pao 107 (2021): 509–554. (A&HCI)

  • “Framing the Qin Collapse: Redaction and Authorship of the Shiji 史記.” Asiatische Studien – Études Asiatiques 75.4 (2021): 901–946.

  • “Xinjian Jingzhou Hujiacaochang 12 hao Hanmu ‘Waiyue lü’ ‘Manyi lü’ tiaowen duji yu jiaoshi” 新見荊州胡家草場12號漢墓《外樂律》《蠻夷律》條文讀記與校釋 (Reflection with Critical Edition of the Newly Discovered “Statutes on External Musicians” and the “Statutes on Barbarians” from the Han Tomb no.12 of Hujiacaochang, Jingzhou). In: Falüshi yiping 法律史譯評 8 (2020): 72–93; traditional Chinese version available on

  • “Shouling jian he hengshu shu: Du Liye Qinjian (er) zhaji liang ze” 受令簡和恒署書:讀《里耶秦簡(貳)》札記兩則 (Command-Receiving Slips and Constantly-Annotated Document: Two Notes after Reading Liye Qinjian, vol. 2). Jianbo 簡帛 19 (2019): 107–124. (CSSCI)

  • “Qin zhi Xi Han shuguo de zhiguan zhidu yu anzhi moshi” 秦至西漢屬國的職官制度與安置模式 (The Bureaucracy and Settlement Pattern of Dependent States during the Qin and Western Han Dynasties). Zhongguoshi yanjiu 中國史研究 2018.3: 43–62. (CSSCI). Co-authored with Lai Ming Chiu 黎明釗.

  • “Qin dai qianling xian xingzheng xinxi chuandi xiaolu chutan” 秦代遷陵縣行政信息傳遞效率初探 (A Preliminary Study on the Efficiency of Administrative Communications of the Qianling County in the Qin Dynasty). Jianbo 簡帛 16 (2018): 191–230. (CSSCI)

  • “Qin Han hewenshu geshi yanbian chutan” 秦漢劾文書格式演變初探 (A Preliminary Study on the Development of Model of the Official Accusations in the Qin and Han Dynasties). Zhongguo gudai falü wenxian yanjiu中國古代法律文獻研究 11 (2018): 131–159; Revised version in: Chutu wenxian de shijie: Diliujie chutu wenxian qingnian xuezhe luntan lunwenji 出土文獻的世界:第六屆出土文獻青年學者論壇論文集. Ed. Chutu wenxian yu Zhongguo gudai wenming yanjiu xietong chuangxin zhongxin Zhongguo renmin daxue fenzhongxin 出土文獻與中國古代文明研究協同創新中心中國人民大學分中心. Shanghai: Zhongxi shuju, 2018, 190–212.

  • “Liye Qinjian suojian Qindai xian guan cao zuzhi de zhineng fenye yu xingzheng hudong” 里耶秦簡所見秦代縣官、曹組織的職能分野與行政互動 (The Division of Labor and Administrative Coordination between Guan and Cao Organizations in the Qin County Administration: Evidence from the Liye Manuscripts). Jianbo 簡帛 13 (2016): 131–158. (CSSCI). Co-authored with Lai Ming Chiu 黎明釗.

  • “A35 dawancheng yizhi jianshui duwei fe shuu bian yi” A35大灣城遺址肩水都尉府說辨疑 (A Reassertion on the Site of Taralingin-durbeljin (A35) as the Office of the Jianshui Commandant). Jianbo 簡帛 9 (2014): 223–240.

  • “Qin Han di difang duguan yu difang xingzheng” 秦漢的地方都官與地方行政 (The Administrative Relationships between the Regional Duguan and Local Administrations during the Qin and Han Dynasties). Xin Shixue 新史學 25.3 (2014): 1–63. (THCI-1)

  • “Xi Han hexi tianguan de zuzhi yu xingzheng” 西漢河西田官的組織與行政 (The Organization and Administration of tian-guan in He-xi during the Han Dynasty). Zhongguo wenhua yanjiusuo xuebao 中國文化研究所學報 59 (2014): 87–120.

  • “Jiaqu houguan di 68 hao tanfang chutu hezhuang jiance de fuyuan yu yanjiu” 甲渠候官第68號探方出土劾狀簡冊的復原與研究 (Reconstruction and Study of the Accusation Documents Unearthed from the 68th Location of Jiaqu Company Fort). Jianduxue yanjiu 簡牘學研究 5 (2014): 38–58.

  • “Liye Qinjian suoshi Qin dai de ‘jianhu’ yu ‘jihu’” 里耶秦簡所示秦代的「見戶」與「積戶」 (‘Present Households’ and ‘Congregated Households’ in the Qin Dynasty”). Jianbowang 簡帛網. 8 February 2014,

  • “Yan Zhenqing ‘Zheng zuowei tie’ banben wenti lue tan” 顏真卿《爭座位帖》版本問題略探 (A Bibliographical Study on the “Letter on the Controversy over Seating Protocol” by Yan Zhenqing). Jinan shixue 暨南史學 15 (2012): 1–44.

Selected book chapters

  • “Between Slip and Tablet: Rulership and Writing Support in Eastern Han China, 25–220 CE.” In: Abigail S. Armstrong, Matthias Kuhn, Jörg Peltzer and Chun Fung Tong (eds.). Keeping Record: The Materiality of Rulership and Administration in Early China and Medieval Europe, 119–154. Berlin: de Gruyter.

  • “A Material Approach to Written Artefacts of Rulership and Administration: An Introduction.” In: Keeping Record, 1–25. Co-authored with Abigail S. Armstrong, Matthias Kuhn and Jörg Peltzer.

  • “The Monumentalisation of Communal Memories in Eastern Han China, 25–220 CE.” In: Catherine S. Chan and Tsang Wing Ma (eds.). East Asia beyond the Archives: Missing Sources and Marginal Voices, 39–76. Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2023.

  • Armstrong, Abigail S., Rodney Ast, Enno Giele, Julia Lougovaya, Hannah Mieger, Jörg Peltzer, Joachim Friedrich Quack, Chun Fung Tong, Sarina Tschachtli and Banban Wang. “Politische Herrschaft und Verwaltung.” In: Nikolaus Dietrich, Ludger Lieb and Nele Schneidereit (eds.). Theorie und Systematik materialer Textkulturen: Abschlussband des SFB 933, 257–313. Berlin: De Gruyter.

  • Dietrich, Nikolaus, Lisa Horstmann, Andrea Bernini, Susanne Börner, Sarah Braun, Carina Kühne-Wespi, Johannes Fouquet, Tobias Frese, Rebecca Hirt, Giuditta Mirizio, Rebecca Müller, Gustavo Riva, Anett Rózsa, Anna Sitz, Friederike Stahlke, Chun Fung Tong and Sebastian Watta. “Layout, Gestaltung, Text-Bild.” In: Theorie und Systematik materialer Textkulturen, 67–114. Berlin: De Gruyter.

  • “Wuyiguangchang Dong Han jiandu suoshi Linxiang xianting de neiwai kongjian yu shehui kongzhi” 五一廣場東漢簡牘所示臨湘縣廷的內外空間與社會控制 (The Division of Interior and Exterior Spaces and Social Control of the Linxiang County Court as Seen through the Wuyi Square Manuscripts). In: Lai Ming Chiu and Lau Ting Long 劉天朗 (eds.). Linxiang shehui de guanzhi panji: Changsha Wuyiguangchang Dong Han jiandu tansuo 臨湘社會的管治磐基:長沙五一廣場東漢簡牘探索 (The Foundation of Governance of the Linxiang Society: An Exploration of the Eastern Han Manuscripts from the Wuyi Square of Changsha), 89–128. Hong Kong: Sanlian, 2022.

  • “Dong Han zaozhong qi Linxiang xian de xingzheng juece guocheng: Yi Wuyiguangchang Dong Han jiandu wei zhongxin” 東漢早中期臨湘縣的行政決策過程:以五一廣場東漢簡牘為中心 (The Administrative Procedures of Linxiang County during the Early-Middle Eastern Han Dynasty: Evidence from the Wuyi Square Manuscripts). In: Lai, Ma and Tong (eds.). Dong Han de falü, xingzheng yu shehui, 131–187. Hong Kong: Sanlian, 2019.


  • Guo, Weitao. “Review on Momiyama Akira 籾山明, Satō Makoto 佐藤信 eds. Bunken to ibutsu no kyōkai: Chūgoku shutsudo kandoku shiryō no seitaiteki kenkyū 文献と遺物の境界:中国出土簡牘史料の生態的研究 [The Boundary between Document and Artifact: The Study of the Environment of Slips-and-Boards Historical Sources Excavated in China] Vol.1 and 2.” Bamboo and Silk 2.2 (2019): 339-356.

  • Kim, Kyung-ho and Lai Ming Chiu. “An Overview of the Qin-Han Legal System from the Perspective of Recently Unearthed Documents.” In: Routledge Handbook of Early Chinese History. Paul R. Goldin (ed.). Abingdon: Routledge, 2018, 392-410.

Conference Presentations

  • “Satisfying Sentiment through Uncompassionate Means: Legal Justice and Law Application in Western Han China, 202 BCE-9 CE.” Paper presented at “Case and Code in the Chinese Legal Tradition”, Chinese Legal Tradition Working Group Conference. Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften Bad Homburg, 24–28 June 2024.

  • “西漢功勞文書的種類和書寫載體:從張家山336號漢墓出土《功令》簡3–4說起” (Types and Writing Supports of Merit Documents in the Western Han Dynasty: Evidence from Slips 3–4 of the “Ordinances on Mertis” from the Zhangjiashan Han Tomb no. 336). Paper presented at the conference “《嶽麓書院藏秦簡》國際學術研討會”. Changsha Jiandu Museum, 10–11 November 2023; revised version presented at the workshop “秦漢歷史與出土簡牘.” Department of Chinese History and Culture, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 22 June 2024.

  • “The Configuration of the Commandery-Regional Kingdom System and the Distribution of Power between Central and Local Governments during the Early Western Han Dynasty: A Note after Reading the ‘Ordinances on Merits’ from the Zhangjiashan Tomb No. 336” 漢初郡國制的整備與中央、地方權力分配再探:張家山336號墓漢簡《功令》讀記. Paper presented at the conference “Chutu wenxian yu guwenzi” 出土文獻與古文字. Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 17–18 August 2023.

  • “The Emergence of Military Logistics Network and Fiscal Regime during the Qin Conquest.” Paper presented at the 2023 conference of the Chinese Military History Society. San Diego, California, 23 March 2023.

  • “Bad Writing or Timely Creation: The Legitimization of Cursive Script in Eastern Han China, 25–220 CE.” Paper presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association. Chicago, 17 March 2023.

  • “Wuyiguangchang Dong Han jiandu suoshi Linxiang xianting de neiwai kongjian yu shehui kongzhi” 五一廣場東漢簡牘所示臨湘縣廷的內外空間與社會控制 (The Division of Interior and Exterior Spaces and Social Control of the Linxiang County Court as Seen through the Wuyi Square Manuscripts). Paper presented at the conference “Chutu wenxian yu Qin Han fazhi” 出土文獻與秦漢法治. Institute for Chinese Ancient Legal Documents, China University of Political Science and Law (online), 17 September 2022.

  • “Qin wangchao tongyi zhanzheng guocheng zhong de junliang diaopei yu guojia caizheng jiguan de xingcheng: yi zhisu dafu yu zhisu neishi wei zhongxin” 秦王朝統一戰爭過程中的軍糧調配與國家財政機關的形成:以治粟大府與治粟內史為中心 (Army Provisioning Logistics during the Unification War of the Qin State and the Formation of State-level Fiscal Organizations: Evidence from the Grand Office of Grain Management and the Metropolitan Scribe of Grain Management). Paper presented at the workshop “Guojia zhidu yu shehui” 國家制度與社會. Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (online), 30–31 August 2022.

  • “Between Slip and Board: Rulership and Writing Support in Eastern Han China, 25–220.” Paper presented at the workshop “Keeping Record: The Materiality of Rulership and Administration in the Pre-Modern World.” Collaborative Research Centre 933 “Material Text cultures”, Heidelberg University (online), 24–25 March 2022; also at the Conference “Standardisation of Written Artefacts in East Asia.” The Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Universität Hamburg, 17–19 August 2022 under the title “Between Slip and Board: Standardization and Destandardization of Writing Supports in Eastern Han China, 25–220.”

  • “Monumentalization of Local Memories in China’s Eastern Han Dynasty, 25-220 CE.” Paper presented at the conference “Missing Sources & Marginal Voices: Reconstructing Asian Historical Narratives.” Department of History, University of Macau (online), 6 December 2021.

  • “The Reformation of Social Order in the Qin Empire.” Paper presented at the 23rd Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS). Leipzig (online). 27 August 2021.
