Completed Projects
The WAY Project


We Are With You (WAY) project is four-year community-based social inclusion project in the Southern District collaborated by the Institute and the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) of the University of Hong Kong. Supported by the Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation, it aims to build social capital in the Southern District through mutual efforts between HKU students, staff and various community groups.

The objectives are to:
  • Use oral history as a tool to understand and promote the Southern District;
  • Use project outputs for the purposes of WAY;
  • Add academic value and dimension to WAY and help the general public to appreciate and enjoy the material; and
  • Produce long lasting documentaries of the Southern Districts fine and diminishing heritage.


  • 羅家輝、吳家文、尤炳軒著,《做海做魚 —— 康港漁業的故事》,三聯書店(香港)有限公司,2016。