The MPhil and PhD programmes are offered on a full-time basis. Candidates pursuing PhD studies are first required to register provisionally for the degree, and their registration is subject to a probationary period specified below.
Degree | Normative Study Period | Probationary Period |
MPhil (Full-time) | 24 months | 12 months |
3-year PhD (Full-time) | 36 months | 12 months |
4-year PhD (Full-time) | 48 months | 18 months |
By the end of the probationary period, students are required to:
- Complete all Graduate School courses and at least 50% of the prescribed IHSS coursework requirements;
- Give an oral presentation of the thesis proposal;
- Submit a candidate’s probationary progress report;
- Submit a detailed scheme of research; and
- Submit a Data Management Plan (DMP) if data is to be collected or generated as part of the research.
For the key dates of MPhil/PhD candidature, please refer to the Graduate School website.
The coursework component of our programmes, which encompasses both the Graduate School courses and IHSS prescribed courses, equip students with fundamental knowledge in their respective fields and provide them with tools to prepare for thesis writing.
Compulsory Courses for all PhD and MPhil students in IHSS:
- IHSS6001
- &
- One research methodology course recommended by the student’s Supervisors
- IHSS6001
- One research methodology course recommended by the student’s Supervisors
IHSS6001 Research Seminar on East Asian Studies
This is a compulsory course for all PhD and MPhil students of the Institute. Jointly offered by the faculty members of the Institute, this course serves as an introduction to inter-disciplinary research, and allows students from different academic background working on a wide spectrum of research projects to share with each and learn from top-notch scholars on issues, methods, and possibilities of research in the interdisciplinary fields of East Asian studies, with a dedicated focus on China. Students will gain familiarity with the existing scholarship and literature in the relevant fields. Topics may (but are not restricted to) include: historiography, history of knowledge production, gender, culture, religion, and literature.
Compulsory research methodology course
In view of our students’ diverse research interests, no single course is considered suitable for all students across discipline. Upon joining our PhD/MPhil programme, the Supervisor(s) and the student will work out a plan to outline the student’s academic roadmap in the coming years in IHSS, and recommend a suitable research methodology course offered by Faculty/Department in related fields which best fits the student’s research interests.
For more information, please refer to the Graduate School website.
Elective courses
Besides courses offered by IHSS, students may enrol courses from other Faculties/Departments as electives. For more information, please refer to the Graduate School website.
PhD and MPhil students of the Institute are required to participate in the Institute’s academic activities, such as interdisciplinary research seminars, workshops and public lectures, which provide valuable opportunities for students to gain cross-disciplinary experience and foster scholarly exchange.
Students are also required by the Faculty of Social Sciences to present a paper in a Research Postgraduate Conference at least once during their study period.
A Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS) holder may be required to undertake, under supervision, duties that carry educational benefits for the holder. The amount of such work shall not exceed 100 hours in any full twelve-month period. The provision of services forms part of the research student’s training covered by the value of the Scholarship. The nature of the duties will normally be:
- assistance with research;
- assistance with scheduled laboratory, studio and fieldwork classes and with tutorials;
- assistance with the preparation of materials for scheduled classes;
- assistance with marking practical notebooks and answers from exercise classes; and
- assistance with invigilation of University degree examinations.
For more information, please refer to the Graduate School website.
Candidates shall complete their studies within the specified period of study. With the approval from the supervisor(s), a student may submit his or her thesis for examination at any time after confirmation of candidature provided that the required minimum study period is met. In addition, the student is required to pass an oral examination to meet the graduation requirements.
For more information, please refer to the Graduate School website.
The Handbook for PhD and MPhil Programmes is available on the Graduate School website. Students should pay attention to relevant regulations and procedures.