Research study in the University is considered a year-round activity that continues between terms and throughout the summer months.
A candidate who wishes to be absent from Hong Kong and/or the approved course of study and research, or who proposes to take vacation, shall be required to submit an online application for leave of absence via HKU portal (HKU Portal > SIS Main Menu > Online Applications > Application for Leave of Absence). You should submit the leave application at least 3 weeks prior to the commencement of the proposed leave period to allow sufficient time for approvers’ (i.e., supervisor / DRPC and FHDC Chairpersons) consideration.
Leave on a weekday is counted as a whole day, i.e. no half-day leave. If students would like to take more than 14 days of vacation leave in one year, they may be allowed to advance the following year’s vacation leave, subject to approval from the supervisor and the Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee (DRPC). The maximum number of days of vacation leave that can be advanced is 5 days. If students would like to advance more than 5 days, they are advised to take non-study leave on top of the vacation leave instead.