HKU has launched this new scheme to offer the most prestigious package to selected outstanding full-time PhD students admitted to HKU. Each President’s Scholar will receive a package of up to around HK$414,000 (US$53,000) in the first year, and up to around HK$394,000 (US$50,000) in each of the subsequent years during the normative study period.
The package includes:
- Cash Award to support research and living expenses: HK$40,000 in Year 1; HK$20,000 per year in the remaining normative study period
- Waiver of composition fees for the whole normative study period (i.e. HK$42,100 per year)
- Postgraduate Scholarship of HK$26,600 per month
- Conference and Research-related Travel Allowance of HK$13,300 per year
- A guaranteed hall place in Year 1, with possibility of renewal in Year 2
Established by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPF) provides financial subsidies to outstanding students from around the world to pursue their research degrees in designated public tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. The Institute invites high caliber students who are planning to take full-time PhD studies to apply for the HKPF Scheme with the University and the Institute as their first priority institution.
The fellowship provides a monthly stipend of HK$26,900 and conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$13,500 per year for a maximum period of three years. For HKPF awardees who are admitted to the Institute’s 4-year PhD program, the University will provide a monthly stipend and travel allowance at the same level as HKPF for their fourth year of study.
Selection panels with experts in the relevant broad areas will be formed to assess shortlisted applicants according to their areas of studies.
The purpose of Postgraduate Scholarships (PGS) is to provide selected students with financial assistance in the form of a stipend to study full-time degrees of MPhil and PhD during prescribed periods.
Full-time MPhil and PhD students who hold a first degree at second class honor first division (or equivalent) or above are normally considered eligible for receiving Postgraduate Scholarships during the normative study period. Scholarships are tenable on an annual basis and are renewable upon satisfactory academic progress having been made the availability of funding.
The basic stipend amount is presently HK$18,030 per month (with effect from September 1, 2020). The annual value of the Scholarships will be determined by the University from time to time.
With effect from September 1, 2020, a PGS holder whose PhD probation has been confirmed will receive a higher PGS rate (HK$18,520) with effect from the following calendar month after his/her probation is fully confirmed.
A PGS holder may be required to undertake, under supervision, duties that carry educational benefits for the holder, as prescribed by the head of department in which the holder is registered. The amount of such work shall not exceed 100 hours in any full twelve-month period (or pro-rata if the period is less than twelve months). The undertaking of this work forms a part of the Scholarships contract covered by the value of the Scholarships, and no other payment for these hours of work may be made to a Scholarships holder. The nature of the duties will normally be:
- assistance with research;
- assistance with scheduled laboratory, studio and fieldwork classes and with tutorials;
- assistance with the preparation of materials for scheduled classes;
- assistance with marking practical notebooks and answers from exercise classes; and
- assistance with invigilation of University degree examinations.
The scheme aims at providing support for Institute’s MPhil and PhD students for their participation in conference, seminar, workshop and/or archival research abroad.
Students may apply for the support only once per academic year (September 1 to August 31) in the course of their registration for the degree. The applications will be considered only twice a year, with September 30 and February 28 set as deadlines for applications. Students should submit their applications according to the deadline set by the Institute and should make sure that the forthcoming deadline at the time of application is at least one month before the proposed departure date.
The University’s Committee on Research and Conference Grants (CRCG) administers a conference and travel grants scheme for research postgraduate students. A student may apply for a conference grant for presenting a paper at an academic conference during his/her candidature. Alternatively, a student may apply for a travel grant to undertake international exchange activities under supervision overseas, including but not limited to taking courses, conducting research/thesis preparation work, undertaking empirical fieldwork investigation/achieve studies in the course of his/her registration for the degree.
University Financial Assistance
University finance assistance is in general made available to supplement government grants and loans. A limited number of means-tested bursaries and loans are available to local full-time students who are in financial needs. For enquiries, please contact the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS).
Academic Awards
The University administers a number of scholarships for award to postgraduate students with outstanding academic achievements. Applications for postgraduate scholarships will be invited from eligible students at various times throughout the year, and invitations for applications will be posted around the campus to notify students when such opportunities arise. The scholarships and awards include Doris Zimmern HKU-Cambridge Hughes Hall Scholarships, HKSAR Government Scholarships, Li Ka Shing Prizes, Awards for Outstanding Research Postgraduate Students and The Croucher Foundation Awards, to name just a few.