Faith and Global Engagement
The University of Hong Kong, as a leading institution of higher education, should be a place where faith is freely discussed and understood. This is now an urgent issue given the re-emergence of religion as a potent force globally in recent years. Faith is deeply interwoven in the fabric of Asian society and is developing rapidly. This will fuel what is already a global issue as this region comes into greater prominence on the world stage.
Faith and Global Engagement
Executive Committee
- Daniel KL Chua (HKIHSS & Faculty of Arts, Director)
- Pauline Chiu (Faculty of Science, Director)
- Terry Lum (Faculty of Social Sciences, Director)
- Ian Wong (Faculty of Medicine, Director)
- Christian Chan (Faculty of Social Sciences, Director)
- Yi Samuel Chen (Associate Professor of Practice (Urban Heritage and Sustainability), School of Humanities)
- Michael Brownnutt (Faith and Science Collaborative Research Forum)
- Carl Hildebrand (HKIHSS)
- C Harry Hui (Emeritus)
- Paul Y.S. Cheung (Emeritus)
- Steve Gaultney (Managing Director)
- Ling Hua Loon (Project Manager)
- Katy Mok (Faith and Science Collaborative Research Forum)
Academic Advisory Board
- Dr. David F Allen, M.D., M.P.H Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association
- Prof. Jeremy Begbie Duke Divinity School, Duke University | Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge
- Prof. Alister McGrath Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion, University of Oxford
- Prof. Lionel Tarassenko Chair in Electrical Engineering, University of Oxford | Director of Institute of Biomedical Engineering | Fellow, St. John's College
- Prof. Miroslav Volf Founder and Director, Yale Center for Faith and Culture | Henry B. Wright Professor of Theology, Yale University
- Prof. Kang Phee Seng Founding Fellow, International Society for Science and Religion | Former Vice President, Professor, Founding Director of the Centre for Faith and Public Values at China Graduate School of Theology

Faith and Global Engagement (「宗教信仰與全球參與」倡議計劃) is strategically placed to have a significant impact on Hong Kong at this critical time, providing current and future leaders with an informed and responsible understanding of religion and how its engagement with the world can transform the social landscape. FGE’s mission is to engage current issues with Christian thought through research, and to equip individuals to build flourishing communities. In short, we pursue research for the common good.
Collaboration, hospitality, excellence and a deep commitment to societal flourishing are all core values of Faith and Global Engagement. We aim to be open and real in our relationships, pursuing scholarly excellence through an integration of knowledge with social responsibility.
Aligned with the University of Hong Kong we are engaged with research, teaching and knowledge exchange. Our research themes are Faith and Society (how faith engages with contemporary issues), Faith and Science (how religion and science interact) and the Character of Leadership (how values, which are often faith-based, relate to leadership).
Our research finds expression through the teaching of multiple courses within the university’s common core curriculum, e.g., “A Life Worth Living”. Additionally, although only a small team, we encourage public engagement through knowledge exchange events such as public and private lectures, concert and art series, smaller faith and work dialogues, etc.
Faith and Global Engagement’s current research plan for the next 3-4 years focuses mainly on Science and Religion in Asia. At the same time, we will continue to build on other strengths of faith and value-oriented research in faith and society and character leadership. Additionally, Faith and Global Engagement will pursue issues of particular relevance especially in Asia, e.g., urban cultural development, and FGE looks forward to pursuing fruitful collaborations with other research hubs within HKIHSS. For more information: