Panlongcheng (1995-2019) III: The Study on Jades and Stones (盘龙城三: 玉石器研究)
Publication Date:2025

Music and Joy
Lessons on the Good Life
Publication Date:2024

Keeping Record: The Materiality of Rulership and Administration in Early China and Medieval Europe
Publication Date:2024

State Power and Governance in Early Imperial China: The Collapse of the Qin Empire, 221–207 BCE.
Publication Date:2024

香港振翅:民航業與全球樞紐的發展,1933 – 1998
The English version Hong Kong Takes Flight: Commercial Aviation and the Making of a Global Hub, 1930s – 1998 was published by Harvard University Asia Center in 2022.
Publication Date:2023

Death and Life of Nature in Asian Cities
Publication Date:2022

Foreign Banks and Global Finance in Modern China
Banking on the Chinese Frontier, 1870 – 1919
Publication Date:2022

踏跡尋中: 四十年華南田野之旅
The English version Tracing China: A Forty-Year Ethnographic Journey was published by Hong Kong University Press in 2016.
Publication Date:2022

Hong Kong Takes Flight
The Chinese version 《香港振翅:民航業與全球樞紐的發展,1933 – 1998》 was published by Hong Kong University Press in 2023.
Publication Date:2022

Missions Étrangères de Paris (MEP) and China from the Seventeenth Century to the Present
Publication Date:2021

Utopia and Utopianism in the Contemporary Chinese Context: Text, Ideas, Spaces
This was a research output of the International Symposium on “Utopia and Utopianism in the Contemporary Chinese Context: Texts, Ideas, Spaces”, jointly organized by the Institute and French Centre for Research on Contemporary China on March 21-22, 2015.
Publication Date:2020

東漢的法律、行政與社會:長沙五一廣場東漢簡牘探索》 (Law, Administration and Society in Eastern Han China: An Exploration of the Eastern Han Manuscripts from the Wuyi Square of Changsha)
Publication Date:2019

Asia Inside Out: Itinerant People
This was a research output of the Institute’s research cluster “Trading Empires of the South China, South Asia and the Gulf Region”.
Publication Date:2019

The Civil Sphere in East Asia
Publication Date:2019

Moral Foods: The Construction of Nutrition and Health in Modern Asia
This was a research output of the Institute’s research cluster “Science, Technology, and Medicine in Asian Societies”.
Publication Date:2019

A City Mismanaged Hong Kong’s Struggle for Survival
Publication Date:2018

Dream Trippers: Global Daoism and the Predicament of Modern Spirituality
This was a research output of the Institute’s research cluster “Asian Religious Connections”.
Publication Date:2017

Places of Nature in Ecologies of Urbanism
This was a research output of the Institute’s research cluster “Environmental Sustainability, Political Ecology and Civil Society”.
Publication Date:2017