Wenyuan Lu IHSS September 17, 2024


  • PhD Student (Admitted in 2024 – 2025)
  • Field Area: Economic History, Development Economics

Wenyuan Lu


Wenyuan Lu comes from Shanghai China and once studied and worked in Hong Kong, the United States, and South Korea. She obtained the global dual-master degrees from the University of Washington and the KDI School of Public Policy and Management, concentrating in Development Economics and development policy. Before the master program, Wenyuan dedicated her efforts as a research assistant at the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Focus:  Chinese family firms), and a research associate at ShanghaiTech University (Focus: industrial policy, impact evaluation and firm strategy). 

Since 2024, Wenyuan begins her study journey as a Ph.D student in Social Science at the University of Hong Kong, under the primary supervision of Professor Zhiwu Chen and co-supervision of Professor Ghassan Moazzin. 

Her research interests lie in the topics about human capital and industrialization, female and family firms in field of economic history and development economics

Sharing & Experiences

Working paper: Colonial Education and Industrialization: Evidence from the Korean Peninsula in 1930 



[Translation: Zheng, V., Lu, W. Y., Wong, S. L. (2016). A century of property disputes: Litigation on the wills of the Hardoons and the family of Wang The-huei. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing. (In Chinese)] 

Book Chapters:   



Research Interests

Family firm, gender, law, industrialization and industrial policy

Thesis Supervisors

Primary supervisor: Professor Zhiwu Chen

Co-supervisor: Professor Ghassan Moazzin